Thursday, January 28, 2016

one country, many faiths

Sitting in the B'hai Lotus Temple yesterday, in the echoed silence of the vast space, I realized what makes Delhi such an amazing place. Whether Hindu, Muslem, Budhist, B'hai, or a Jew, it is a place where most coexist peacefully. We live our own lives as we were made, or as we ourselves made, and learn to coexist with each other. Just take a ride through the crazy intersections of Delhi and you will experience the chaotic harmony of all these people living together. The merging and constant honking of the cars seems like an apt metaphor for all these people organically finding harmony together, despite their differences.

And yet, though I have observed many who can coexist peacefully, this place has a sad history with peace makers. On that day we also toured through the residence and memorial of Indira Ghandi. In part, she attempted to carry on the legacy of the country's 20th century founding father, Mahatma Ghandi. He was murdered. Indira was murdered by her own guards. Her son took over his mother's office, and eventually he was assassinated too.

Though I see at a personal level, people can learn to get along and look past differences, at a national level the struggle realizes itself very differently. Power and pride always seem to so win the day, but I am grateful for the kind souls who I have met on this little journey.

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